You'll find this command on the View menu of an opened message. Deleted profiles, removed PST, changed to IMAP for all accounts nothing worked so far. Strangely I could forward messages on once and then if I tried it again to the same email address it would fail. This allows you to view active content in email. Had some really weird problems with Outlook 20 based on all of the above. I know that Outlook used to have a similar feature, but I’m not seeing it in Outlook 2015 (even tho the options menu has a section called tracking.
#No send button in outlook email 2015 free
Note: For instruction to configure some of the most popular free email services see Configure Live Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo or AOL. I’m interested in tracking whether a recipient of one of my emails then forwards the email to another person (and hopefully who that recipient is). File-> Account Settings-> Account Settings. This allows you to view an HTML message in the less secure Internet Zone. When the Send command disappears, this is usually because you don't have an email account configured (anymore). Older versions don't have a View in Browser command but they do have a View in Internet Zone command. Use View in Browser to view any HTML message that does not display correctly in Outlook or when you want to print a message and have better options than Outlook’s print option offers. From the flyout menu, choose View in Browser (its near the bottom).Click the Other Actions button on the Actions group.To view an HTML message in a web browser, you need to open the message! The View in Browser command is not available in the Reading Pane. You could save the message as HTML and open the HTML is a browser, but this is not necessary (and too much effort!) since as you can open messages in a browser directly from Outlook. When you send an animated gif, you'll only see the first frame, but the recipient will see the animation if they use an email client that can display animation. If you don't need to see animated gif's, use form fields, or print a selection from the message, Outlook renders HTML formatting very well, but it may not always be "perfect" and a browser will do a better job. Outlook's printing capability is also limited and you'll have more print options (such as print selected text) if you use View in Browser.
Outlook doesn't display animated gif's (only the first frame displays), form fields or any active content in email, all thanks to numerous viruses that spread like wildfire through Outlook, so the powers that be locked Outlook down: no active content will display in email.