Starter code may contain code that is both familiar and unfamiliar to you from previous codelabs.
This codelab provides starter code for you to extend with features taught in this codelab. To ensure that the data is correctly retrieved and parsed, you'll just print the number of photos received from the backend server in a text view: The version of the app you build in this codelab won't have a lot of visual flash: it focuses on the networking layer part of the app to connect to the internet and download the raw property data using a web service. This screenshot is shown in this codelab to give you a better idea of the overall app functioning. Note: The above screenshot is the screenshot of the final app that you will build at the end of the pathway that is at the end of the next codelab. Following is the screenshot of the final app, which contains a grid of thumbnail property images, built with a RecyclerView. The images are real-life photos from Mars captured from NASA's Mars rovers. This app connects to a web service to retrieve and display the Mars photos. In this pathway, you work with a starter app called MarsPhotos, which shows images of Mars surface.
How to add dependencies in a gradle file.How to use Android architecture components ViewModel, and LiveData.
You will also update the app's user interface if the internet is slow or unavailable this will keep the user informed about any network connectivity issues. This greatly simplifies fetching the data, and also helps the app conform to Android best practices, such as performing the operations on a background thread. In this codelab, you use open source developed libraries to build the network layer and get data from a backend server. Gmail, YouTube, and Google Photos are some example apps that connect to the internet to display the user data. Such as retrieving emails, messages or similar information from a backend server. Most of the Android apps in the market connect to the Internet to perform some network operations.